7 Easy Landscape Ideas for a New Home

You've closed on your new home, unpacked your belongings and breathed a sigh of relief. Now it's time to look outside and turn your attention to the...

Trends in Landscaping Design to Try This Year

Here’s a list of this years most up and coming popular trends to modernize your landscaping and add a touch of refreshing curb appeal.

Ditch the Sprinkler with These Water-Efficient...

From efficient plants to water-smart landscaping, your lawn can certainly do its part to improve water efficiency.

8 Vegetables to Grow in Your Garden this Spring

Grab your gardening gear. Here is a round up list of the easiest–and most practical–vegetables to grow in your garden.

Container Gardening Upgrades for a Fresh Spring

While prepping for gardening this spring, go through some of your old pots and containers.

Garden Ideas That Can Sell a House

Find out which garden ideas can increase your home's value. Know what garden and landscape upgrades can be done on your own and which may necessitate...